Kh4018, Katerina Hovnanian

Any comments that you would like to make about the lab, including troubles you had, things that were interesting, and ways we could make it better.

Part 1

Top school appearances in Russian

I was interested to see how top school's name appear in Russian, considering the Soviet Union, western education. Also, I've noticed that Princeton is widely recognized in the Russian community, more so than Yale, which is the opposite here (sadly).

Top school appearances in Russian

It's interesting to see how Columbia's mentions drop, probably because Columbia has a plethora of meanings compared to names of other top schools.

Part 2

Here are some titles that are analyzed through Voyant Tools. The author is a fellow Princeton peep.

The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald

It's interesting to see how "Amory" is the most used word in both books. Why did Fitzgerald use this word so much. I really liked the trends tool, as well as the termsberry, and cirrus tools.

Part 3

tFind two words where you think the weighting is seriously wrong? I don't really think protesting is wrong. Protesting is the freedom of expressing your rights!

Two words in Sentimood's list that could be either positive or negative, depending on context and interpretation.

Give two examples where they differ markedly in their assessment.




Give two examples of sentences where they agree and both appear to be correct. (If you wish, find another sentiment analyzer and use it instead.)

both agree positive

both agree positive

both agree positive

both agree positive

Give two examples where they agree and both appear to be clearly wrong.

both agree positive
both agree positive
both agree positive
both agree positive

Part 4

google right
bing wrong
russian wrong

How well do your translation services do on your chosen language? Would it be useful in practice? Do you see meaningful differences between different services?

It would be more useful in practice. Google is definitely more accurate, and It picks up one phrases from different languages. Bing says Nairobi girl instead of Nairi, and doesn't pick up on the Russian phrase.

Part 5

mask off
glasses off

describing results

For the first project, I took my mask off and recorded it. For the second one, I took my glasses off and recorded it. It was very effective. Afterwards, I took my mask off, and it identified the first project, and then I took my glasses off and identified the second project. As it did more and more times, the machine got more accurate.